Malcolm S. Cohen, Ph.D., Founder
Dr. Malcolm S. Cohen, Founder of Employment Research Corporation, received his Ph.D. in Economics from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1967.
Dr. Cohen has directed numerous labor market research and forecasting studies for the U.S. Department of Labor. Dr. Cohen testifies as an expert witness in various court proceedings on economic loss, discrimination and other employment issues.
Dr. Cohen joined the Institute of Labor Industrial Relations at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor in 1972, became the Director in 1980, and retired from the university in 1994. He worked for the Bureau of Labor Statistics (1967-68) and was Assistant to the Vice President of State Relations and Planning at the University of Michigan (1968-70). His teaching assignments since 1969 have been primarily in labor economics. He has also taught Human Resource Management and Statistics at the University of Minnesota.
Research interests include labor market information, labor turnover, employment forecasting and labor shortages. He has directed several major studies to identify national shortage occupations and measure labor turnover using administrative records. His book, Labor Shortages as America Approaches the Twenty-first Century., was published by the University of Michigan Press. His most recent book, Global Skill Shortages written with Professor Mahmood A. Zaidi, is published by Edward Elgar Publishing. He has had articles published in a large number of journals, including: Journal of Human Resources, Monthly Labor Review, Journal of Political Economy, Review of Economic Statistics, Journal of Economic Theory, and The American Economic Review.